this blog is for tired people 001 002 hello i am mr. tired

are you really sleepy like i am? i'm so incredibly sleepy. i don't even know what to do. i just kind aslump down and i'm like ugh. i'm so tired and cold and hungry and tired! today was so bad.somebody called me the f slur and asked why i wasn't dead yet. i want them to find out how much that hurt. that really really hurt. they made me cry but bringing it up would just be petty. that's the first time i've ever been told that i should be dead though. it's a crazy cool feat, i think. i'm not ever actually going to go throug hwith it, not until i'm super duper old or super duper sad. but i still probably wouldn't be doing that. it's too scary. i want to go back to being a baby. he is stupid. do you want my discord? it's SOCKᴸᴼᴵᴰ#1013. it's a secret though. dont tell anyone. no one will be reading this anyways. hahahahahahaha
